Friday, July 29, 2011

Nothing New

There's a new quilt store in town which carries those fine line blue water soluble pens. What an amazing tool for stitching, glad we found one. Other then that in the last few weeks there has been almost no stitching or knitting and only a little sewing. It's been mad crazy busy here.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Life is so crazy right now, lots of stuff going on I can't talk about. I have done some stitching and a bit of knitting and will work on getting more pictures up. My dd is playing Mushnik in Little Shop of Horrors and play practice is a bit hectic. My mother in-law is coming up the first week to see it and my dad will be here the second week. Now because of this the painting has been finished, daughters floor recarpeted. We still have kitchen to repaint, bathtub to finish and living room floors to finish in the next 3 weeks. It's just a mad house around here.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Good News vs Bad News

Good News: Really into both SAL right now. I finished two rows of the new one Treasures and really enjoying the eye appearing in Fragile Heart

Bad News: I was two rows off in Fragile Heart, not the one I thought I was. So I frogged all the black I had done back to row 50 or so. It was sad and slightly depressing but at least now when it'll be right and it won't bug me later.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Went through all my cross stitch kits, aka before HAED, and separated between want to do, will do and who am kidding I'll never stitch that. I also took out a pair of size 15 straight knitting needles and added all the not to keep stuff to a bag to take to the thrift store. I found my big fabric piece I was hooking a rug on and am currently working on that. Just trying to get stuff used up and out of the way right now. I have 50 rows left of my Mockery socks and the toe. I'm half done with page 1 of Winter and still haven't touched Fragile Heart. I figure I prolly won't finish the Winter goal this month but I should finish the sock at least.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Working Out

Got my program set up today at the gym. I'm a little sore but it was a lot of fun. I'm doing a beginning circuit setup and I think tomorrow I'll treadmill. Stitching wise haven't gotten much done. I started a new pair of Dangerous Turn socks with my hot pink yarn. When I finish the repeat of cables I'm on I'll switch back to my Mockery socks. I'm keeping this short as I want to soak my feet, they are sore from so much activity today. 4 hours of rushing through Sandpoint followed by an hour at the gym then another hour at the two stores here in town. Ouch.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Last summer I took whole peaches and froze them skin on in my big freezer. I read about this on a blog and wanted to try it for smoothies. I promptly then forgot all about them. I think it had something to do with my month old blender lid disappearing. Now winter is over and it's hot today, 80 in the shade hot. At least that was the forecast and I forgot to look at the board when I drove home. I wanted something cold and a smoothie was it. Out came two peaches. I ran them under cold water and rubbed the skin right off. By the time the second was skinless I could chop them up and toss the pieces into the blender added milk till smooth. I thought it was great but hubby and daughter said I needed more sugar....I didn't add any. I threw in a packet of Stevia, the Walmart Version, and now it's more milkshake, sweet tooth begone like. Totally Yummy!

Day Dreaming

Today I decided I need to win the lotto. I want to buy a castle and run around in period clothing. Told my hubby he could buy truck and rv of his dreams if he'd drive me around to Renaissance fairs. My daughter was all for it, she's almost 17 and wants a castle more then me. If I ever did win though I'd prolly want to travel and see the sights like Glacier National Park and the Grand Canyon.